Emma's Journey with Dissociative Identity Disorder



Please understand: this page is NOT offering any kind of clinical or therapy services.

As we state clearly on the ABOUT US page, Emma (Dr. E) has is not a medical doctor, nor is she providing any medical or therapeutic advice on this website or the podcasts. Please remember that coaching is not therapy, nor is it appropriate for crisis or emergency situations. Please see the bottom of this page for crisis or emergency resources.



Coaching is for healthy people who are functioning fairly well but would like to do better in specific areas of their life.

Coaching is usually associated with sports or other settings where there is a trainer or an instructor.  There is coaching for improvement of skills such as in tutoring or a specific kind of skill set.  Whether you want to learn a new language or a particular dance form, there is coaching available with instructors demonstrating and helping in the learning process.

The word “coaching” can also refer to an urging toward, a cheering on, a passing on some kind of sense of direction. There are workplace coaches, and nutrition coaches, and workout coaches. Coaching can be personalized as in one to one training, or it can be large scale coaching where a large number of people attend seminars or classes to improve their skills.

Basically, coaching is a kind of mentoring, but with very focused objectives, tasks, and/or goals. There is more interaction with more flexible boundaries than with counseling, with more frequent access. We provide daily access to us through a secure messaging app.

Newsweek recently defined coaches as:

 “Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part rent-a-friend,
coaches work with managers, entrepreneurs, and just plain folks,
helping them define and achieve their goals — career, personal, or most often, both.”

We would clarify some of they explained. It’s really important that coaching and therapy be kept separate, but we do have clinical understanding and lived experience to share, and that is just a part of who we are and what you will get. You are not renting a friend, but simply paying for our time so that we are available to connect with you without reservation - that time is YOURS. We can help you with professional or personal goals, implementing insights from therapy, practicing new skills for coping, and keeping you connected and present to now-time.

CFO Magazine said that:

“Coaches have the ability to view things from afar — in what some call ‘helicopter vision’ — 
and to shed new light on difficult situations.
Often they can act as a sounding board through tough decisions, help sharpen skills, and motivate.”

We believe we have made huge progress in less time because of the level of connection and support we have discovered and sustained for ourselves, including both counseling and coaching services. There are times we share insights or experiences on the podcast you may want to process further, and see how they apply to your system. Other time you are trying to make decisions as a group, and need an outside perspective in making sure everyone gets heard while you talk things out. Maybe you just need someone out there who cares, checking in with you consistently to see how everyone is doing and make sure you all are staying on track. You may want support while you work on specific tasks, such as scheduling and mapping, or accountability for things that help you function or keep the system experience balanced.

We can cheer you on while you get yourself to therapy. We can support you between sessions, while waiting for appointments, and through transitions between services. We can help you get from where you are to where you want to be, with more support and less chaos.

The International Coaching Federation says:

“People hire a life coach because they want more out of life,
they want to grow, and they want it to happen more easily.
It’s as simple as that. Life coaches help a client get all three. Quickly.”

It’s not therapy. It’s not our agenda. And we don’t go anywhere uninvited, just like The Therapist taught us.

It’s your life, and your plan, and your readiness to do the work to make things better.

Life coaching isn’t for everyone. It’s hard, soul-searching work with another human being, and difficult work to do things differently than you’ve ever done before. It’s uncomfortable at times. It’s a financial commitment when things are already challenging.

But… Life Coaching is also motivational, inspiring, positive, and exciting! Life coaching helps you look at where you are now and where you’d like to be, and helps you bridge the gap. By raising awareness internally and encouraging you to take responsibility for your life and the life you want to create together, life coaching can help you rise to your own particular challenge and go further than you ever thought possible.

Our coaching philosophy:

  • We can help you find workable strategies to help you save time, stay present, and utilize your resources cooperatively.

  • We can inspire and motivate you while you hold yourself accountable in healthy and empowering ways, which helps you let go of old self-destructive patterns through hard work and practice.

  • We believe your system is resourceful, successful in protecting you, and is able to work together for safety and improved functioning.

  • We know there are solutions, and that you are flexible and creative enough to find them.

  • We will continue our own path, so that our relationships are healthy, and continue to share our progress in effort to model its possibility and give others hope.

  • We understand you are responsible for your own system, its decisions and efforts in implementing the coaching plan, and therefore get the credit for your own success.

If you would like to register for coaching, CLICK HERE. This will take you to the page and forms to get signed up and started. Do NOT pay for anything yet. We still will need to talk together to be sure we and you(s) all feel like we are a good fit, and that it feels comfortable both for you and for us. Coaching won’t work if we aren’t a good fit, and we first want to connect to be sure we are on the same page and comfortable with a plan. If you decide to proceed, please make sure we know you were referred through the podcast, as that offers a significant discount. Most coaching plans are $300-$700 a month, but the podcast discount provides the following options:

  • DAILY MESSAGING - This is the cheapest option of working with us, only $10 a day for a TEN MINUTE block of time spent reading and replying to your daily messages.  Additional charges if your messages are longer than ten minutes.

    If you chose five days a week, then it is only $40 a week, giving you one day FREE.
    PODCAST DISCOUNT: $50 OFF ($30 a week)

    You can pay $200 for an entire month at once, getting a $50 discount.
    PODCAST DISCOUNT: $100 OFF ($120 a month)

    If you pay quarterly (three months at once), it is only $500, which is a $100 discount.
    PODCAST DISCOUNT: $200 OFF ($300 for three months)

  • UNLIMITED MESSAGING - This is available for $300 a month.  With this plan, you can send me a message at any time and as often as you want, and as long or as many as you want (best option if you are a writer and may need more than ten minutes).  
    PODCAST DISCOUNT: $100 OFF ($200 a month)

    This option, paid quarterly (three months at once), is $800 and offers a $100 discount.
    PODCAST DISCOUNT: $300 OFF ($500 quarterly)

    NOTE: With these plans, you may message us at any time, 24/7.
    However, messaging is asynchronous, and we work Tuesday-Saturday.

PLEASE REMEMBER: This is NOT therapy, nor is it the place for any sort of emergency or crisis.  If you need help that is urgent or emergent, including if you were to feel suicidal or need other immediate support, you could go to your local ER, call 911 (in the US), or call 1-833-929-1721 for crisis support (in the US).  You can also text 741741 (in the US) or 85258 (in the UK) or 686868 (in Canada) for help and support as well.  Other international contacts for support can be found HERE.   There is also a “warmline” for Plurals by Plurals in the form of peer to peer support HERE, where they are glad to discuss specific questions or other additional (non-emergency) support.

We can offer coaching, which is not at all the same as therapy or clinical services.

In fact, if you are looking for a therapist, we recommend you contact the ISSTD or talk to the Plural Association for further ideas.

If you prefer small group coaching with group pricing and/or classes, instead of doing it on your own, we would recommend The Crisses at Liberated Life Coaching.  They were super helpful to us when we took a series of classes with them.  We shared these lessons very early on in the podcast.