Transcript: Episode 73
73. In The Closet
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[Short piano piece is played, lasting about 20 seconds]
[Skype ringtone]
***Interview Begins***
Interviewer: Bold Font
Interviewee: Standard Font
This thing does not like me.
Everytime time it does something special.
You need me to call you at a different time?
No. Okay, we’re good. Remember last week when we talked about how when they know you’re doing something, then they have to be around you?
It’s so true though.
It’s so true, man. It’s like, you know, do I have to go hide in the bathroom or something?
I’m currently in the closet.
Look, I would too. [Laughs]
And I have. Look, I’ve hidden in the bathroom. I’ve hidden in the closet. I’ve hidden in the attic. [Laughs]
There you go. Wait, are you in my head? Did I make you up?
Why do we have a poor connection?
Because I’m in the closet.
Oh, okay.
Well, um, do you anticipate coming out of the closet? Or are you going to stay in there?
I’m staying in the closet. [Laughs]
Well, you’re safe. Now time is safe.
Uh. We actually spend a lot of time in the closet. I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about that.
Well, if that’s where you feel comfortable right now, and that’s a good spot for you, then it’s okay.
All the kids are asleep. They go to sleep at seven - like clockwork. [Snapping fingers] Bam.
Well, you got blessed. You got blessed. Okay? God felt like you could make six children go to sleep by seven. Okay? God knew that I was a night owl, and so in his own comedic exchange, he had my children never go to sleep.
But we had a late night, because the car guy just left. [Laughs]
Oh, yeah.
But listen, if yours go to bed at seven, what time do they wake up?
They sleep until seven. They would sleep later, if we let them.
Are you kidding me?
Except for the one that doesn’t sleep at all. So --
Well, he’s precious. So, he makes up for it with his cuteness.
Out of the six of them, two of the boys have autism. And one of them would sleep 24/7 if we let him. And the other one maybe sleeps two hours a day.
Oh, wow.
Sometimes --
You’ve got to come out of the closet a little bit. You sound like you’re swimming.
No way. I am -- no.
You’re just going to hang in the closet?
Hang on. Let me turn this.
Can you hear me now?
Yes. Yes. That’s better. Okay, yes. Okay, now you can stay in your closet, because I can hear you better.
It’s all the bluetooth technology, because I don’t have ears. I’m sorry.
It’s okay. I still love you. Doesn’t matter. It’s all good. So, how was your day?
[Laughs] I’m in the closet, Julie. That’s how good my day was.
Okay, yes. But that’s a good icebreaker. You know? It’s a good icebreaker. It’s a nice way of not calling out avoidance.
Are you calling me out on avoidance?
No. I said asking how your day was -- it’s a nice way of not calling you out on avoidance.
Why would you want to call me out on avoidance? I have avoided avoidance all week.
Listen -- I know. But listen. Here’s the thing that I think is funny, okay? Okay, bestie? Here’s what’s funny, the pot called the kettle black, but look where the pot is.
I don’t have a --
Do you get that analogy?
No. I worked -- we are facing stuff. We are dealing with stuff. It’s all fine. Everything’s fine.
Everything’s great. Listen. If it was really great, would we be in the closet, having a conversation right now?
Yes. [Laughs]
No, we wouldn’t. [Laughs] No, we wouldn’t, bestie. We wouldn’t be in the closet.
Let’s not talk about the closet. Let’s talk about --
We’re going to move past it.
No. Let’s talk about --
[Laughs] Avoidance… . [Laughs]
Oh my goodness.
I love you so much.
I can tell.
Listen. I just want to point this out so that my friends know that I love you all. I just want to point out, she was like, “Oh, but she goes and sits in the closet and hides in our closet.” But look at where we’re at.
So, you can’t be talking smack about one person’s struggle, when we’re having the same struggle.
[Laughs] I love the closet. [Laughs]
Yeah, that musty smell, and sweaty shoes must smell really great. Great for grounding [Laughs]
There are no shoes in our closet.
Oh my goodness. Okay so, I’ve got a countdown now. And I’ve determined I think it’s 15 days. [sings 15 days] until happy days.
That’s funny.
I think. Wait. Let me check. I’ve been checking regular.
Until girls weekend?
One -- yes. Well, girls weekend? Whatever. We’re having a whole girl’s week, boo.
[Laughs] Woo.
Why are you laughing?
Because I sneezed really big, and it made me laugh.
Oh, I thought you were laughing because I was like, “Me and my homegirl, a weekend? No, we got a week. And we’re going to live it up.”
We do. So, you are coming to my house to visit.
Yeah, I am.
And --
I’m going to sit in the closet with you, and we’re going to do a podcast.
[Laughs] In the closet.
Then, and so then you’re coming to my house, and then -- and you’re going to hang out with us here. And then we are going to Missouri to give our friend, Donna, a surprise.
That’s right.
And it’s a surprise for the podcast, too, but we can’t tell.
And the surprise is me.
The surprise is me. We can’t talk about this yet.
The surprise is me.
Oh my goodness.
She’s going to see me in all my glory.
Donna knows she’s getting a surprise.
She what?
Donna knows she’s getting a surprise.
Y’all are gonna - what? Oh.
Donna knows she’s getting a surprise.
But Donna doesn’t know what the surprise is.
She does not know what the surprise is, but she knows she’s getting one. Someone told her.
Oh, well, you let them know that they need to not tell. I know -- I think I know who told her.
It starts with a “J” and rhymes with on mark.
It starts with a J and rhymes with what?
On mark.
Oh. Was it him? I feel like it was somebody who starts with an M and ends with a K.
You know, because our good friend, Donna, smells like cake, and that has everybody happy. [Laughs]
[Laughs] That’s funny.
Everybody’s happy about that, and I’m like, “Wait. Here I was debating as to whether or not I bring perfume with me, or if I should run to the store and buy unscented deodorant, so I don’t, you know, make somebody’s kid die this week.” [Laughs]
And they’re like, “She smells like cake!” And I’m like, “Well, maybe I just need to cover myself in Pillsbury cookie dough, and we’ll be alright.”
[Laughs] Can’t be around any kinds of scents of things. But she’s not going to Missouri.
You’re right. Because of her lungs. She’s not going to Missouri. So, it’s cool. You can wear whatever you want in Missouri.
Right. Right. So, I’m going to smell bad of natural odor --
When I get there. And then by the end of the week, it will improve. And hopefully by then, I haven’t lost any friends. [Laughs]
You’re funny.
That was funny. [Laughs] Oh. Oh my goodness. Oh, I thought about something.
I know. And I’ll take my award when I get there. Tell John Mark to get to writing. I thought about Etsy, for your paintings.
You thought about what?
For selling your paintings.
You know, you could go and post them on Etsy, and you can sell them to people and make money, and never have to leave the house.
But we don’t actually want to sell the paintings.
Oh, okay. I’m sorry. I misunderstood that.
No, it’s okay. Sometimes we have to, but we don’t actually want to.
Oh. Okay. That makes sense. Well, let’s just say -- I know we have a very creative and artistic friend, and if she’s looking to make a little money, that would be a good side job for her. If she wants to just make and give away, because she’s got mad skills.
Do you think so?
Absolutely. Look, the elephant she did, I would totally hang in my house. Okay? There’s been a couple things, like that picture y’all gave the T. Totally would have hung that up in my house too. Real talk. Okay? And I’m sure she’s got something real crafty I could hang in the bathroom to look at.
And I mean that in all seriousness, even though it’s funny. And I’m hoping it’s a landscape, you know? Something to dissociate to.
[Keyboard clicking]
Oh my goodness.
While I’m in the bathroom. [Laughs]
Oh my goodness.
Am I going to get hate mail for that? Okay, I’m sorry.
I thought that was kind of funny.
You’re hilarious.
You know, because -- well, you probably don’t do this, but there are a lot of people out in the world that take their cell phones with them to the bathroom.
Oh, gross.
[Laughs] Because they need to be in there for an indefinite amount of time, and so it’s imperative that they have some entertainment while they’re waiting. [Laughs]
How am I in trouble for talking about the closet?
You’re not in trouble for talking about the closet.
If you can talk about the bathroom, how am I in trouble for talking about the closet?
Well, a lot of people spend a lot of time in the bathroom, but not too many spend a lot of time in the closet.
Oh. [Laughs]
[Laughs] I couldn’t even say that with a straight face. [Laughs] Oh my goodness. Hey, --
You’re a terrible --
[Crosstalk - inaudible]
You can not out me out of the podcast.
I can too, help you out of the closet.
You can not out me out of the closet.
Just push yourself towards the door.
Well, let's talk about the closet for a minute. What is wonderful about the closet?
I don’t think I could stay here and talk to you about it.
Because it’s not my closet.
Oh. Okay. Oh. Okay, well let’s grab a peppermint, and get the hell out of it then. That way we can make sure we can make sure we can stay.
No, I’m fine right now. I need to be here. I want to be here. I’m okay.
Oh, okay.
But I’m not coming out of the closet. Not today.
Well, of course not. And that’s okay. You don’t have to come out of the closet if you don’t want to.
In like two weeks, I will even join you in the closet.
[Laughs] No.
We can have really good snacks. You know? I’ll bring my phone. We’ll watch funny YouTube videos, and we’ll make snarky comments about things, and that will be great.
It is a magical place.
Hey, if you want, we can hang some lights up in there. Some nice scented candles. We could even put a chair in there so you’re comfortable. Is it a walk-in?
Okay, yeah. We might even be able to put a nice, comfy chair in there.
I don’t need a chair. I have a beanbag.
Oh well, then hey, even better.
That’s comfier.
You got a nice blanket?
Blankets and lights.
Hey, I need to give you a tidbit of advice. Okay? Because I got myself in trouble the other day, inadvertently with some of my friends -- don’t touch the elephant.
Okay? Yes. Did you see that thread?
No. What are you talking about?
Okay, well, apparently Dr. E hooked up one of our friends with an elephant. Okay? But apparently another friend liked that elephant. And so that elephant, you know, they were telling about their elephant and taking pictures of themselves with the elephant and the bear.
Oh my goodness. My profile pictures. Why won’t they leave my Facebook alone? How did they even figure out how to do that? And please let that not happen to my real Facebook.
Yeah. I did not show them anything, and I tried to stay neutral - Switzerland. But I did try to promote good sharing.
This is about the stuffie?
Oh yes, this is about the stuffie.
Oh my goodness. So embarrassing.
No, it’s not embarrassing. It was the cutest thing ever, and really, the people who view the page didn’t get the inside scoop that I did. So, apparently our new stuffie has a name. Her name’s Greta.
And it’s a her, and she’s going to need a yellow bow.
Are you still there?
Where’d you go?
Are you laughing? Why are you laughing?
Was I being funny?
Oh, we’ve had a change in his fronting.
Okay, who is fronting? Is it John Mark? Or is it MK?
[Laughs] You didn’t think Julie would know, did you?
Silly gooses. Are you just going to laugh, or are you going to say, “Hi?”
So, do you want to tell everybody about the elephant?
It’s mine.
I know he’s yours. And it’s a girl, right?
And we’re going to get her a yellow bow. Right, MK?
Right? This is MK, right?
Okay. And I’m coming to visit you really soon, aren’t I?
To play?
Yes, to play. Remember we’re going to play, and we’re going to make chocolate chip, oatmeal cookies.
Oh. [Laughs]
Right, because you said that those were your favorite, but without raisins.
Hey MK, can you take the computer out of the closet? Or no? Because we have a bad signal.
I want to play in here.
You want to stay in the closet?
Okay, so let me see. So, you wanted to come out and talk to me?
What do you want to talk about, sweetness and light, and all things bright?
My elephant.
Your elephant? I love your elephant. We’re going to get her a yellow bow, aren’t we?
Oh, yes. And we’re going to make it really pretty, and we’re going to go pick it out at the store. Right?
You’re so clever. So, do you want to tell everybody why yellow is your favorite color?
It’s happy.
Your favorite color is yellow, because it’s happy. Right?
I love it. And you’re a lover of stickers too, aren’t you MK?
Mmhmm. I like stickers.
You do? I sent you lots of stickers, haven’t I?
Yeah. So, you’re going to go see the T tomorrow. That’s a big trip, right?
My T?
Yeah, you’re going to go see your therapist tomorrow. That will be good, right?
Yup. And Sasha will drive.
I like her.
You like the therapist, or you like Sasha?
[Laughs] You don’t like Sasha?
She’s talking.
Oh, because she’s talking?
But that’s okay. That’s how she communicates. She was talking to me.
It takes a long time.
Oh, yeah, well, you know, sometimes you got to get your feelings out, and sometimes when you talk to a good friend, you’ve got to talk for a few minutes. Because she and I don’t talk very often. It’s hard work, right?
It’s hard to be patient while other people do things, isn’t it?
I like to play.
You do? What do you like to play?
My elephant.
Oh, I like playing elephants. Yeah. We need to get elephant a dress. Wouldn’t that be cute?
We will get elephant a dress soon.
I like a dress. I don’t have a baby doll.
Oh, you don’t want to have a baby doll?
I do not have one.
Oh, do you like a baby doll?
You would like one? Would you like a girl baby doll, or a boy baby doll?
Girl baby doll.
Oh, okay.
I have an elephant.
Yes, you do. [Inaudible] elephant, right? Did she get it for you? Or did she get it for somebody else?
For me.
For you, because you’re a good girl. Right?
Her name is Greta, and she’s my elephant.
Yes, her name is Greta, and she’s yours. Julie is not getting into trouble with that one again.
No, I’m not, because somebody told me that it was really theirs. Was that you that came on and told me -- that sent me the message to say that was really your elephant?
It’s my elephant.
It is. It is. So, listen. Let me ask you a question.
Elephants are safe.
Yes, they are safe.
Elephants remember.
They do. Yes, they have a long memory. They’re known for their memory, right?
Elephants are awesome.
My elephant is blue.
She is. She’s blue, and she’s named Greta. And we’re going to get her a yellow bow.
She has ears.
Yeah, she does. So she can hear you better when you tell her your stories.
So, listen. Who showed you how to get on the profiles and change the pictures?
I let John Mark do it.
Oh. That’s how you did it. That’s pretty clever.
You can just pick some pictures.
Yes, you can take pictures, and put them on there. Mmhmm. But listen. If you’re going to do it, you got to ask John Mark if it’s okay. Did you ask him?
Because we don’t want to put the outside kids on there yet, I don’t think.
They are not bad pictures. They are good pictures.
Yes, I love your pictures. You can send me pictures whenever you want to.
They are not bad pictures.
They’re not bad pictures. Who doesn’t have pictures?
They’re not bad pictures.
Oh no, they’re not bad pictures. No baby, we don’t do that. Now time is safe. There are no bad pictures here. Hm Mmm. Nope. Miss Julie does not allow that. Mm Mmm. Nope. That’s not aloud. No bad pictures are allowed. Only nice pictures with smiley faces, and everybody comfortable, and safe. No bad pictures, ever. Never ever. Miss Julie won’t have it.
Now time is safe?
Yes, I won’t have any pictures that are not safe. No. Miss Julie does not like that. Miss Julie only likes safe pictures. Only safe ones, because I’m a safe friend, and now time is safe. And so nobody can hurt us or anything. We are safe.
Because we have a yellow house.
Right, because you have a nice house, and you have Nathan, and you have me, and you have the outside kids, and you have each other. And now time is safe. And Miss Julie and Nathan will not have that happen. We don’t let any bad pictures, ever. Nobody is ever doing that. Ever. Ever. Because now time is safe.
Nobody just hurt us now time.
Nope. Nobody can hurt us now. Hm mm. Miss Julie and Nathan won’t allow it. Hm mm.
But we can play.
I promise.
[Phone rings]
Hold on one second, MK. My husband is calling me. Hold on one second. Hello?
Love you. Bye.
Okay. Sorry, MK. Yes, now time is safe. Nobody is going to hurt you, because that is not aloud, and we don’t have anybody in our life that would hurt us. Right? Nobody will do that to you. Never, ever, ever, ever.
We got to keep them safe. Now time is safe.
Right. Now time is safe. Julie sent you -- remember? I sent you the picture and it says, “Now time is safe.”
It’s by my painting. It’s by my painting.
That’s right.
And you are safe.
And Nathan is safe.
And --
I’m a safe friend.
Missy is safe.
Right. Nathan is safe. And Joyce is safe. And your house is safe. And the outside kids are safe. Right? Your house is safe.
And Donna smell like cake.
And Donna smells like cake, and she’s nice, and we like her.
Well, I got to see her. When we got the outside kids at the fountains. I got to see her, and she was nice, and talking, and she was talking to them. And we just got to watch -- the fountains went up, and there was a cannon. And it was playing some music, and the water was springing up high, and there was fire. I’m not even making it up, but it was not scary. It just was fountains, and music. And then, by there, they have a restaurant. And at the restaurant, they have an alligator, and I told them kids, that’s where gator tots come from.
John Mark, you’re so funny. [Laughs] You thought I didn’t know. Did you?
You don’t know about gator tots.
You’re so silly trying to switch up on me.
You don’t know about gator tots.
Oh, I know about gator tots. I was born in Florida. You know that.
Gator tots in Florida?
You know that. I grew up in Florida. I was born there, in Orlando. Where you went for the conference, that’s where I used to live.
I went to Orlando, and I went for a walk, and that had alligators are going to eat me.
Yeah. Yeah. I’m glad you -- you protected the girls. You were so brave. You’re super brave and super powerful.
You protected them.
Mmhmm. Yeah. Yeah you are. Hey, listen. Guess what we’re going to do when I come? Guess what we’re going to do?
Eat snacks.
We’re going to make macaroni and cheese.
Oh, yeah.
I like macaroni and cheese.
I know. We spend a lot of time talking about it, and I’ve got the right proportions. So, we’re going to make it. I’m going to make it special for you.
What is proportions?
You know, the right measure of cheese. You know, because, we need a lot of cheese.
A lot of cheese.
A lot of cheese.
Because you love cheese. I love cheese.
Everybody love cheese.
Yeah, I know you love cheese. And Sasha loves cheese. We have to have cheese.
A lot of cheese?
A lot of cheese.
You know --
Yes, and I think we should put cheese with our tortilla chips, and have salsa.
A lot of salsa.
Just saying.
Salsa is my favorite thing.
I know. I think I’m going to have to make you enchilada casserole while I’m there.
What is it?
Enchilada casserole? It has beef, ground beef, and taco seasoning, and salsa, and cheese.
I love cheese!
It’s yummy.
I love salsa.
I know. You’re going to love it. I know. You’re going to love. It’s going to be so awesome.
I like things like salsa. And I like things like cheese, and salsa.
Mmhmm. And you like cookies. You like cookies, too. And donuts as big as your head.
I did not eat those donuts. I just saw them donuts. Them donuts were big in Orlando. I think they were alligator donuts.
I know. Listen. I really think you deserved that donut as a reward for not letting the girls get eaten by an alligator.
I did not. I’m pretty fast.
I’m just saying. Yeah you are. You’re super speed. Fast as a whip.
I got a medal for running.
Oh, did you get a medal for running? Y’all been doing a lot of 5k’s.
Yup. I got to run.
How do you like that? I bet you liked that.
It’s got a rabbit on it.
That’s because you’re quick as a rabbit. What’s that saying? Fast as a rabbit. That is so cool. So cool.
Hey, did you see what movie I’m bringing with me when I come to see you?
Oh, I’m bringing Aquaman!
What is it?
It’s an Aquaman movie.
I never saw it.
I know! I’m bringing it. So don’t rent it. I’m going to bring it with me, and we’ll all watch it. It’s okay. I’ve already gotten it pre-approved. So, I’m bringing Aquaman, and we’re all going to watch it. And it’s about the underwater person from DC comics. You know Aquaman?
Are you kidding me?
And how he comes to -- no, I’m not kidding you. I’m bringing it.
I’m going to tell Nathan. I’m going to tell Nathan we’re going to watch Aquaman.
Well, I’m a cool friend, so… . Hey, can you kind of move out of the closet a little bit, so we can get a better connection, because you’re breaking up a little bit?
Just a little bit.
[Skype jingle for call ended]
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