Guest: Rick Hohfeler, PhD
Dr. Rick Hohfeler is a clinical psychologist graduating from Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in 1986. He has maintained a private practice in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for the past 30 years, specializing in psychological trauma since 1986 as co-manager of an inpatient program treating survivors of abuse at Rogers Memorial Hospital where he also co-managed an inpatient program treating children and adolescents until 1995. He continues to treat adults, children, and adolescents suffering from disorders associated with severe developmental trauma including a special emphasis on dissociative disorders in private practice. This specialty was also applied within the Wisconsin Department of Corrections from 2008-2020. He has provided supervision and consultation to therapists and case managers from a variety of agencies in the Milwaukee area for the past 20 years with consultation affiliations having expanded internationally.
Rick is a faculty member of the Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he teaches courses in trauma and dissociation. He is a member of ISSTD and was elected to their Board of Directors in 2016. Since 2014 he has acted as moderator for the Virtual Book Club sponsored by ISSTD. He has presented professionally on topics related to trauma and dissociation locally, nationally, and internationally. He has published papers related to working with trauma/dissociation in forensic settings and is in process of releasing a paper regarding the regulatory aspects of shame in dissociative disorders.