Emma's Journey with Dissociative Identity Disorder


Posts tagged CPTSD
Guest: Joanne Twombly, MSW, LICSW

Joanne H. Twombly, MSW, LICSW is a psychotherapist in private practice in Arlington, Massachusetts. She has over 30 years of experience working with Complex PTSD and Dissociative Disorders and provides trainings and consultation.

She has written chapters on EMDR and Dissociative Disorders, EMDR and Internal Family Systems, and on working with Perpetrator Introjects. Her book “Trauma and Dissociation Informed Internal Family Systems: How to Successfully Treat Complex PTSD, and Dissociative Disorders” (2023) is the first book to integrate Internal Family Systems with knowledge from the trauma and dissociation field.

Her commitment to providing clients with healing and has resulted in her becoming an EMDR Consultant and a Trauma and Recovery HAP Facilitator, Internal Family Systems Certified, and an American Society for Clinical Hypnosis Consultant.

She is a past president of the New England Society of Trauma and Dissociation, served on various ISSTD committees and on the board. She received ISSTD's Distinguished Achievement Award and is an ISSTD Fellow.

Resources for Spouses

Many thanks to our previous guest, Ellen Lacter, PhD, who shares these spouse resources with us now:

Heather Tuba: Trauma-Informed Support for Partners of Survivors:

Robin Brickel, LMFT: How to Repair Love with Trauma-Informed Couples Therapy:

How People Heal From Trauma, Thanks to Helpers:

The Significant Other's Guild to Dissociative Identity Disorder:

The road less travelled: how to support your dissociative partner, Parts One and Two, by Rob Spring:


The risk of rescuing: pitfalls and promises in supporting dissociative survivors (PODS):

My unique vantage point – parenting dissociative identity disorder with dissociative identity disorder, by Carol B:

10 Tips For Spouses and Partners of Survivors with Dissociative Identity Disorder, by Kathy Broady, MSW

Sidran: For Survivors and Loved Ones:

For parenting dissociative children: Diagnosis and Treatment of Youth with Dissociation, by Fran S. Waters (2016)

Partners With PTSD by Frank Ochberg, M.D.:

Loving a Trauma Survivor: Understanding Childhood Trauma’s Impact On Relationships, Robin Brickel, MA. LMFT

Supporting a Loved One Through PTSD or Panic Attacks:

How Childhood Sexual Abuse Affects Interpersonal Relationships:

Supporting Someone Who Has Been Raped or Sexually Assaulted:

Patience Press (for Help for trauma survivors, war veterans, family members, friends and therapists):

Preventing Compassion Fatigue: What Veteran Spouse/Partner Caregivers Need to Know:

Training for lay counselors: http://www.helpers.homestead.com

The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relationship: How to Support Your Partner and Keep Your Relationship Healthy, by Diane England (2007)

If The Man You Love Was Abused: A Couple's Guide to Healing by, Marie H. Browne (2007)

Healing Together: A Couple's Guide to Coping with Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress by Suzanne B. Phillips (2009)

Ghosts in the Bedroom: A Guide for Partners of Incest Survivors, Ken Graber (1991)

Trust After Trauma: A Guide to Relationships for Survivors and Those Who Love Them, Aphrodite Matsakis (1998)

Allies in Healing: When the person you love was sexually abused as a child, by Laura Davis (1992)

All the Colors of Me: My first book about Dissociation, by Ana Gomez, illustrated by Sandra Paulsen (for kids)

Guest: Pam Stavropoulos, PhD (Blue Knot Foundation)

Pam Stavropoulos, PhD

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We welcome Pam Stavropoulos, PhD (Politics), Grad. Dip. Psychotherapy to the podcast to share about her research work with complex trauma at Blue Knot Foundation.

Specifically, she shares with us about the recently released 2019 updated Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Complex Trauma, which you can read HERE. It is available for download for free, with permission to share.

In the podcast, she shares about the research behind the updated guidelines, and also mentions therapist compentancies, which you can read HERE.

A list of selected publications can be viewed HERE.