Emma's Journey with Dissociative Identity Disorder


Posts tagged Help
Guest: Beauty After Bruises

Lexi M is trauma educator, survivor outreach provider, and co-founder of Beauty After Bruises. As a survivor of highly complex trauma herself, she uses her lived experience of Dissociative Identity Disorder, as well as navigating all levels of treatment, to inform her outreach and advise clinicians, survivors and everyone with BAB. Due to the nature of her trauma story, much of her personal credentials and life identifiers maintain a level of anonymity, which has become a unique opportunity to demonstrate healthy boundaries and show one potential path concerned survivors can take in their passions. Lexi's main focus today is in creating clear, well-synthesized, heartfelt psychoeducation; writing articles, symptom management tools and resource guides; designing social media and web materials; and most of all bridging the gaps between all extremes necessary for trauma care. Matching well-researched data with deep heart and connection, healthy realism with flourishing hope, and compassionate awareness with real tangible and effective change.

Anne Knisley is the Co-founder and Survivor Outreach Liaison for the nonprofit organization Beauty After Bruises. Beauty After Bruises directly helps survivors with Complex PTSD and Dissociative Disorders access the therapeutic and inpatient care they need by providing financial grants as well as bridging the many gaps in trauma care by locating specialized clinicians, educating the public on trauma and dissociation, and giving survivors themselves the tools and self-compassion needed to fight another day

Anne received her BA from York College of Pennsylvania and built her career and businesses ownership in the health and human services industry. After life was redirected by a loved one's close and intimate battle with complex trauma, her focus transitioned into becoming an effective support person in their life. This required a robust crash course in trauma and dissociative disorders, the bureaucracy and financial demands of the healthcare industry, and society's mistreatment of survivors. This early introduction and life milestone birthed a passion to ensure the same services reach the countless survivors that did NOT have anyone in their corner to guide them through this maze. Thus, the Beauty After Bruises initiative was born.

Today Anne mainly works one-on-one with our survivors, their therapists, and doing public education. In every role, she offers the information, skills, and self-confidence needed to proceed with strength, self-agency and the knowledge that someone has their back.

Beauty After Bruises.

Resources for Spouses

Many thanks to our previous guest, Ellen Lacter, PhD, who shares these spouse resources with us now:

Heather Tuba: Trauma-Informed Support for Partners of Survivors:

Robin Brickel, LMFT: How to Repair Love with Trauma-Informed Couples Therapy:

How People Heal From Trauma, Thanks to Helpers:

The Significant Other's Guild to Dissociative Identity Disorder:

The road less travelled: how to support your dissociative partner, Parts One and Two, by Rob Spring:


The risk of rescuing: pitfalls and promises in supporting dissociative survivors (PODS):

My unique vantage point – parenting dissociative identity disorder with dissociative identity disorder, by Carol B:

10 Tips For Spouses and Partners of Survivors with Dissociative Identity Disorder, by Kathy Broady, MSW

Sidran: For Survivors and Loved Ones:

For parenting dissociative children: Diagnosis and Treatment of Youth with Dissociation, by Fran S. Waters (2016)

Partners With PTSD by Frank Ochberg, M.D.:

Loving a Trauma Survivor: Understanding Childhood Trauma’s Impact On Relationships, Robin Brickel, MA. LMFT

Supporting a Loved One Through PTSD or Panic Attacks:

How Childhood Sexual Abuse Affects Interpersonal Relationships:

Supporting Someone Who Has Been Raped or Sexually Assaulted:

Patience Press (for Help for trauma survivors, war veterans, family members, friends and therapists):

Preventing Compassion Fatigue: What Veteran Spouse/Partner Caregivers Need to Know:

Training for lay counselors: http://www.helpers.homestead.com

The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relationship: How to Support Your Partner and Keep Your Relationship Healthy, by Diane England (2007)

If The Man You Love Was Abused: A Couple's Guide to Healing by, Marie H. Browne (2007)

Healing Together: A Couple's Guide to Coping with Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress by Suzanne B. Phillips (2009)

Ghosts in the Bedroom: A Guide for Partners of Incest Survivors, Ken Graber (1991)

Trust After Trauma: A Guide to Relationships for Survivors and Those Who Love Them, Aphrodite Matsakis (1998)

Allies in Healing: When the person you love was sexually abused as a child, by Laura Davis (1992)

All the Colors of Me: My first book about Dissociation, by Ana Gomez, illustrated by Sandra Paulsen (for kids)